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6 symptoms of gum disease to look out for

Learning about gum disease can be a bit of a rollercoaster. While the phrase "periodontal disease" is scary, gingivitis is easily treated. However, if left untreated it can turn into periodontitis, a much more serious condition that can lead to bone deterioration and loss of teeth.

To help you recognise gingivitis in your mouth, check out these six gum disease symptoms.

One of the most common signs of gum disease is inflammation.

1. Red and swollen gums

One of the most common signs of gum disease is inflammation. This occurs as a direct result of plaque that is left on the surface of your teeth for too long. Toxins released by bacteria in your mouth can irritate your gums, and if plaque is allowed to harden into tartar this too can cause direct aggravation.

2. Ease of bleeding

Do you notice any bleeding when you brush your teeth? This is a reliable sign that you aren't effectively managing tartar build up. Improving your oral hygiene routine by brushing and flossing regularly can help, but bleeding gums won't indicate the severity of the condition. If the condition has progressed into periodontitis, you'll need the assistance of a dentist or dental hygienist to remove tartar below the gumline.

3. Receding gums

As plaque hardens, it forms pockets of tartar that rest below your teeth, safely under the gumline. Not only are these are impossible for you to clean without professional assistance, they may cause your gums to be pushed back, resulting in longer-looking teeth.

Healthy gums should be pink - not red and bloody.Healthy gums should be pink – not red and bloody.

4. Persistent halitosis

Suffering from bad breath? Gum disease may be the cause. With excess bacteria in your mouth producing toxins and spreading gum infections, it's natural that these will start to release unpleasant odours. Next time someone tells you your breath stinks, ask yourself if your gums look healthy.

5. Loose or shifting teeth

When periodontal disease progresses, you may find that permanent teeth become loose or move away from their neighbours. This may be due to the gums pulling away or damage caused to the root of a tooth by periodontitis bacteria.

6. Denture fitting issues

Even without a full set of teeth, gum disease can occur. If you rely on full or partial dentures, you might feel a change in the way these fit or feel. This could be a sign of a problem with your gums.

Have you noticed any of these symptoms? Book an appointment with City Dentists online or call 04 978 4964 to arrange for a full gum examination as soon as possible.