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Answers to your questions on dental implants

If, by some freak accident, you've lost a tooth or two, it is understandable that you would rather not have a conversation with someone unfamiliar, or smile for the camera. 

To put an end to this problem, you can get a dental implant, which can either replace one molar or several. Before you consider if it is the right option, we answer some of your questions.

A reasonable amount of dense bone tissue needs to be available in order to go ahead with dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are fundamentally metal frames placed surgically into the jawbone under your gums, explains Colgate Oral Care Centre.

Things to consider

Like some dental procedures, there are several considerations that should be addressed before determining if implants are right for you. Dental Guide Australia (DGA) recommends that a reasonable amount of dense bone tissue needs to be available in order to go ahead with the surgery. You will also need to be free from periodontal disease and have healthy gums.

In some cases where the bone is not able to support the implant, a bone graft will be required.

The cost of dental implants

When it comes to dental implants cost, one of the most common questions is how much. 

The price will vary depending on how many implants are needed, if bone grafting has to be done or whether a tooth extraction should happen prior. Some patients will require less work while others more, and this determines the final cost of the procedure.

The procedures

Colgate explains that the traditional dental implants method is a two-part procedure.

During the first stage, a hole is made in your jaw bone where the implant is placed, and the incision is stitched up. After the healing period, the second procedure is implemented, which involves making a new incision. With the implant exposed, a healing cap is screwed on, enabling the gum to heal.

A few weeks after, the healing cap is removed before the abutment is screwed on to support the crown.

You will need to have healthy gum and enough dense bone tissue to get dental implants. You will need to have healthy gum and enough dense bone tissue to get dental implants.

A single-stage procedure can sometimes be carried out if the conditions are ideal, says Hays Dental Group, although the organisation continues that it is safer for an implant to fully heal and integrate before the crown is placed, rather than immediately.

Dental implants are customised individually to suit your mouth so it is vital to get an expert opinion and in-person checkup. For more information on dental implants and what City Dentists can help you with, book online now to make an appointment.