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How can being ill affect your teeth?

It was recently reported that 88 per cent of Kiwis believe their health to be good, very good or excellent, according to the 2016/17 New Zealand Health Survey. However, even the healthiest of people get ill from time to time.

But did you know that certain conditions can affect your teeth?

1. The effects of vomiting on the teeth

Vomiting is a common symptom of a number of illnesses. Not only can repeated throwing up cause discomfort for the stomach and esophagus, it can also severely damage the teeth. The contents of the stomach are acidic and every time you vomit, this gastric acid travels from the stomach into the mouth.

When the mouth is exposed to high levels of gastric acid, teeth bear the brunt of the damage. This acid attacks the protective enamel on the teeth which causes tooth erosion. Once the enamel starts to wear away, your teeth become more translucent and sensitive, amongst other issues. 

Therefore, if you're experiencing repeated vomiting or morning sickness, be sure to rinse your mouth with water after vomiting to reduce this risk.

How does the common cold affect the teeth?The common cold can affect you more than you might think.

2. Surprising symptoms of the common cold

The average adult contracts two to four colds each year, according to Healthinfo, with a stuffy nose and tickly throat being two of the most common symptoms. When the nose becomes blocked, those with a cold have no choice but to breathe out of the mouth, which can lead to reduced saliva production and dry mouth. 

Dry mouth promotes the growth of bacteria which in time, and if left untreated, increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. To combat this problem, regularly take nasal decongestants to speed up recovery and sip on water throughout the day. Sucking on cough drops is also a great way to stimulate saliva flow. 

The average adult contracts two to four colds each year, according to Healthinfo.

3. Sinus infections and the teeth

A sinus infection is a condition where cavities around the nasal passage become blocked or inflamed. Due to the maxillary sinus being so close to the upper back teeth, sufferers may often feel discomfort around the molars during this time. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories are an effective option for minimising pain and reducing the pressure sinus infections bring.

If you're worried about your oral health or experiencing any pain in the teeth or gums, book an appointment with City Dentists today and we'll help solve the problem safely and effectively.