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The structure of teeth

Teeth are perhaps one of the most important parts of the human body, and without them, our lives would be very different. Most importantly, we wouldn't be able to eat, as teeth kick off the digestive process by breaking food into manageable sizes.

Their function isn't just limited to eating, though, as teeth have a wealth of other functions that are so ingrained into our day-to-day lives that we rarely think of them. They affect everything from how we look to how we speak, and it's absolutely imperative to take care of them with regular visits to a local dentist.

But how much do you really know about your teeth? Read on to learn about what these crucial body parts are made of.

How much do you really know about your teeth?How much do you really know about your teeth?

What are teeth made of?

The answer to this question is actually a lot more complicated then you might think. Teeth are made up of not one, but four different types of tissue, and each one has a unique function that helps the tooth work as a whole.

The part that you are probably most familiar with is what's known as the enamel – this is the hard outer layer of a tooth's crown, and the part that you brush every morning and night. Enamel is one of the hardest substances in the body. In fact, it's rated as a seven on the Mohs scale of hardness – the same as quartz. Like bone, enamel doesn't contain any living cells, meaning that no matter what, your body will not be able to create any more. This is the reason why it's so important to take good care of it, and why regular dental check ups are necessary – to prevent any damage before its too late.

Take care of your enamel by brushing regularly. Take care of your enamel by brushing regularly.

What's under the enamel?

Beneath the enamel is where things get interesting, and where the other three types of tissue can be found. 

Directly underneath the enamel layer is a slightly softer tissue known as dentine. This forms the shape of the tooth, and is the structure that the other tissues all connect too. At the root of the dentine lies another tissue called cementum. Cementum (as the name suggests) is what 'cements' the tooth into the gums and jawbone.

The final type of tissue is known as the dental pulp. This sits in the very centre of the tooth and houses the blood vessels and nerves that come up through small holes in the root. 

These four tissues work together with the surrounding tissues to help your teeth work at their best, but if any problems do arise, be sure to contact the experts at City Dentists.