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5 ways to get rid of bad breath

Halitosis. It sounds pretty scary, but it's just another word for bad breath. Smelly breath isn't pleasant and can make people feel uncomfortable and embarrassed, so chances are if you're concerned about halitosis, you'll want to know how to have your breath smelling minty fresh again. 

Here are the top ways to get rid of bad breath. 

1. Brush and floss more often

One of the most common causes of bad breath is poor brushing and flossing. 

Not staying on top of your oral hygiene gives plaque a chance to build up on your teeth, which in turn allows the bacteria that cause bad breath to thrive. Food particles stuck in your teeth can also contribute to the problem as they decay in your mouth. 

The solution to this is easy – make sure you maintain good dental hygiene habits!

2. Scrub your tongue

It's not just your teeth that can be responsible for bad breath – your tongue can also accumulate bacteria which is why you might notice a smelly coating on the surface. It's easy to get rid of by simply brushing your tongue with a toothbrush, or by using the back of a toothbrush head that has been specifically designed to scrape off your tongue. 

3. Avoid certain foods

Most people know that onions and garlic will give them bad breath. What you may not know is that just brushing your teeth after eating something garlicky isn't always enough to get rid of the smell in your mouth.

WebMD explains that the substances responsible for causing bad smells actually go into your bloodstream and then into your lungs, so you are essentially breathing out the smells. The only way to recover fresh breath after eating such foods is to wait until they have left your body. 

Chowing down on garlic bread could give you bad breath for hours afterward. Chowing down on garlic bread could give you bad breath for hours afterward.

4. Drink some water

One of the reasons people wake up with 'morning breath' is because their mouth has dried out overnight. Without saliva to wash them away, dead cells can build up in your mouth and feed bacteria, which then create odour. Plus, having a dry mouth can lead to tooth decay and bad breath.

Staying hydrated is important for your oral health, so make sure you get your eight glasses a day. 

5. See your dentist

Your bad breath may be the result of gum disease or another condition. If halitosis persists, the best thing to do is seek professional advice, so book an appointment online and come in to see us.