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How does pregnancy affect your oral health?

During pregnancy, the changes and demands that the body endures can take their toll on a woman. However, through the morning sickness, aching limbs and cramps, it's vital that your oral health doesn't get put to the bottom of the pile.

Discover just how pregnancy can affect your mouth and teeth, and what to do if these problems occur.

Gum disease

Bleeding and swelling around the gums when brushing or flossing are both signs that gum disease could be present. These symptoms are referred to as pregnancy gingivitis, and a lot of women will often experience these changes at the start of the second or third month of pregnancy.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to gum disease than most due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow. During pregnancy, the progesterone steroid levels in the body are 10 times higher than normal, which enhances the bacteria that causes gingivitis.

If pregnancy gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis – a more severe form of gum disease that can cause loss of teeth and other oral complications.

Improving your regular dental routine is an easy way to reduce the effects of pregnancy gingivitis. However, if you think that the problem is too severe to treat yourself, gum disease treatment may be required.

Always remember to maintain a good level of oral care, even during pregnancy. Don't let the excitement of pregnancy get in the way of caring for your oral health.

Tooth erosion

Morning sickness typically occurs within the first three months of pregnancy and affects around 50 per cent of women, according to the American Pregnancy Association. 

The contents of the stomach are acidic, so when you throw up, the acid from the vomit coats the teeth. This can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth decay.

If you're experiencing severe morning sickness, speak to your obstetrician about possible treatments. Similarly, contact City Dentists for information on how to prevent tooth erosion.

Morning sickness affects around 50 per cent of pregnant women.

Sensitive teeth and gums

Experiencing increased sensitivity in the teeth and gums is common for many pregnant women and although it's not an overly serious condition, sensitive teeth and gums can be incredibly uncomfortable during what is an already difficult time.

This increased sensitivity may occur due to changing hormone levels which can soften the tissues in the mouth.

If you're experiencing severe dental trauma or oral complications, contact City Dentists today. We'll arrange the best treatment possible so you can continue to enjoy the joys of pregnancy without worry.